Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU to every one that generously donated during Giving Day last Thursday. We reached our goal and then some – $7500 raised and won! Without your support we would not be able to bring to life this amazing music. And a very big thank you to everyone that came out to our AMERICANA concert on Saturday. The audience was electric, especially in the second half. All things are possible if you only believe!
Giving Day Thank You!
March 14, 2016
Bach Magnificat
Kodály Veni, Veni, Emmanuel
and more
Norwalk Concert Hall
Sunday, December 15, 2024 • 4PM
Opera Spectacular
Featuring Kathryn Lewek and Zach Borichewsky
Norwalk Concert Hall
saturday, March 29, 2025 • 7:30pm
Duruflé Requiem
First Church Congregational
Fairfield, CT
sUNDAY, June 1, 2025 • 4pm
This is the second time I’ve heard FCC perform Carmina Burana, and last evening certainly lived up to my memory of how well it was performed the last time. It is such a difficult piece rhythmically that I am impressed with the ease with which FCC went through it. In my opinion, there is nothing better than a wonderful night of great music to start the holiday season, so thank you so much!
Audience member