Medieval drinking songs, prophets, priests, widows, and an angel — all in an afternoon. Join the FCC for a fun, relaxed read-through of selections from two opposite poles of the choral repertoire: Mendelssohn’s oratorio Elijah and Orff’s raucous Carmina Burana. FCC music director David Rosenmeyer shares insight into each piece as he leads singers in an afternoon of no-pressure musicmaking.
Stick around after the sing to enjoy beer, wine, and hors d’oeuvres. Chat with chorale members, meet the music director, and learn more about the FCC’s upcoming concert season. Interested in singing with us in 2019? This is a perfect time to get your feet wet and even schedule an audition!
$10 at the door; includes music rental. Attendees are also welcome to bring their own scores.